Koryu Uchinadi Newcastle
Functional, application-based Martial Arts for children and adults
1 - Ichi
2 - Ni
3 - San
4 - Shi
5 - Go
6 - Roku
7 - Shichi
8 - Hachi
9 - Ku
10 - Ju
11 - Ju ichi
12 - Ju ni
13 - Ju san
14 - Ju shi
15 - Ju go
16 - Ju roku
17 - Ju shichi
18 - Ju hachi
19 - Ju ku
20 - Ni
Common Terms
Ko Ryu Uchina-di
Kenpo Jutsu
Karate (car-ra-tay)
Sensei (sen-say)
Senpai (sem-pie)
Kohai (koe-hi)
Dojo (doe-joe)
Obi (oh-bee)
Gi (gee)
English meaning
Old style Okinawan Hand
(Fujian Quanfa) Art
Empty hand
Instructor / Teacher
Assistant Instructor / Teacher
Junior, one being mentored
Training hall
Reishiki (ray-she-key) - Etiquette and meanings
- Kiyosuke (key-o-ski)
- Seiza (say-za)
- Mokuso (mock-so)
- Yame (yar-may)
- Shomen ni (show-men-nee)
- Rei (ray)
- Sensei ni (sensay nee)
- Otagai ni (o-toe-gar-nee)
- Keritsu (care-rit-sue)
- Onegaishimasu (ona-gashi-mas)
- Domo arigato gozaimashita (domo_ah-ree-ga-toe-go-zar-ee-mush-ta)
- Otsukare samma deshita (ots-kara summer desh-ta)
- Come to attention
- Kneel down - formal posture
- Close eyes, meditate
- End, finish, stop
- Face towards the front
- Bow, show courtesy
- Courtesy to the Instructor / Teacher
- Courtesy to each other
- Stand up
- Said when entering the Dojo, to the Instructor at the start of class and to fellow students before and after training
- Formal Thank you / courtesy to the Teacher when bowing out at the end of class
- Your time has been well spent, said to fellow students when bowing at the end of class
Prepare for Training
- Junbi undo (joon-be oondo)
- Seri undo (sare-ree oondo)
- Antai gouwa
- Moichido (moe-itchy-doe)
- Hai (short, sharp Hi)
- Warm up exercises
- Cool down exercises
- Opposite direction
- One more time
- Yes
Kihon Waza (key-hon wah-zah) - Basic Techniques
4 directional receiving techniques
- Left
- Right
- Rising block
- Downward block
- Inside block
- Outside block
- Seizing block
- Sword-hand block
- Tsuki waza (tskey wah-zah)
- Jodan (joe-dan)
- Chudan (chew-dan)
- Gedan (gay-dan)
- Kiai (key-i)
- Punching techniques
- Upper level
- Middle level
- Lower level
- Shout with spirit
Shiho uke waza (she-hoe oo-kay wah-zah
- Hidari (he-dar-ree)
- Migi (mi-gee)
- Jodan uke (joe-dan oo-kay)
- Gedan barai uke (gay-dan baa-rah-ee oo-kay)
- Uchi uke (oo-chee oo-kay)
- Soto uke (so-toh oo-kay)
- Kake uke (kar-kay oo-kay)
- Shuto uke (shoe-toe oo-kay)
- Combination strikes
- Techniques with open hand
- Kicking techniques
- Defensive postures, stances
- Ground techniques
- Partner drill from solo exercise
- 2 person exercise
- Fixed pattern
- Free fighting
- Body movement
- Foot movement
Geri (gairy) - Kicks
Dachi (dutchee) - Stances
- Haishu waza (hi-shoe wah-zah)
- Kaishu waza (ki-shoe wah-zah)
- Keri waza (care-ree wah-zah)
- Kamae waza (car-my-ee wah-zah)
- Ne waza (nay wah-zah)
- Futari geiko (foo-tar-ree gay-koe)
- Tegumi (tay-goo-me)
- Kata (carta)
- Kumite (koo-mit-tay)
- Taisabaki (ty-sar-barky)
- Ashisabaki
- Mae geri (my-ee gairy)
- Mawashi geri (ma-wash gairy)
- Yoko geri (yoe-koe gairy)
- Mikazuki geri
- Front kick
- Round house (turning) kick
- Side kick
- Crescent kick
- Shizentai yoi (shiz-en-tie yoy)
- Musubi dachi (moo-soo-bee dutchee)
- Kamae ite (ka-my it-tay)
- Hatchi monji dachi (hutchee monjee dutchee)
- Shiko duchi (shee-ko dutchee)
- Zenkutsu dachi (zen-coot-soo dutchee)
- Gyaku zenkutsu dachi (gee-ar-koo zen-coot-soo dutchee)
- Neko ashi dachi (necko ashy dutchee)
- Tsuru ashi dachi or Ippon ashi dachi (tsooroo ashy dutchee)
- Koza dachi (koe-za dutchee)
- Sanchin dachi
- Natural ready posture
- Informal attention
- Assume ready, first stance
- Figure 8 stance
- Sumo stance
- Forward stance
- Reverse forward stance
- Cat leg (foot) stance
- Crane leg stance or one leg stance
- Crossed leg stance
- Hour glass stance